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Nov 24
Friends Library Publishing

Memoirs of the Godly

Friends Library

Memoirs of the GodlyCompilations

A collection of twenty-three memoirs presenting brief accounts of the lives, sufferings, and peaceful deaths of many notable members of the early Society of Friends, such as William Leddra, who suffered martyrdom in Boston, John Audland and John Camm.

Jul 11
Friends Library Publishing

The New Creation Brought Forth

William Smith

The New Creation Brought ForthWilliam Smith

A treatise describing the true condition of man in his fall and separation from God, and the means by which he is convinced, converted, and regenerated by the light and life of Jesus Christ; also uncovering the work of the serpent in every stage of man’s restoration to the original “holy order of life.”

Apr 4
Friends Library Publishing

Pearls from the Deep

Job Scott

Pearls from the DeepJob Scott

Job Scott (1751-1793) was a gifted and beloved minister in the Society of Friends in America. Pearls from the Deep is a collection of excerpts from his journal and writings, published in 1913.

Jan 26
Friends Library Publishing

Truth Defended

Friends Library

Truth DefendedCompilations

A succinct but thorough explanation of the principles and practices of Friends in the 1600’s, written by Alexander Pyot, William Chandler, and Joseph Hodges on a wide variety of doctrinal subjects, in response to calumnies and accusations that were commonly leveled against the society by other professing of Christians.


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