Until his mid 30’s, John Conran (1739-1827) was a zealous member of the Church of England, but longing after inward purity and a real transformation of soul, he began to attend meetings of the Society of Friends, and there was powerfully confronted by the Spirit of God. Being awakened to his true spiritual condition, and his need for Christ’s baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire, he “denied himself, picked up his cross, and followed Christ,” and so became a vessel of honor in the Lord’s house. His struggles were many and arduous, both with the enemies of his own soul, and with the declining condition of the Society of Friends. But John Conran kept the faith, and finished his race as a testimony to the heart-cleansing power of grace.

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Selection from the Journal of John Conran
Friends Library Publishing

Selection from the Journal of John Conran

John Conran

Selection from the Journal of John Conran

by: John Conran

Until his mid 30’s, John Conran (1739-1827) was a zealous member of the Church of England, but longing after inward purity and a real transformation of soul, he began to attend meetings of the Society of Friends, and there was powerfully confronted by the Spirit of God. Being awakened to his true spiritual condition, and his need for Christ’s baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire, he “denied himself, picked up his cross, and followed Christ,” and so became a vessel of honor in the Lord’s house. His struggles were many and arduous, both with the enemies of his own soul, and with the declining condition of the Society of Friends. But John Conran kept the faith, and finished his race as a testimony to the heart-cleansing power of grace.

  • John Conran
  • updated Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.11 in
  • 1 chapter
  • 49 pages
  • Language: English
  • Spanish Version

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Friends Library Publishing

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John Conran

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