Catherine Payton

Catherine Payton

Catherine Payton (1727-1794 — also known by her married name, Catherine Phillips) was an eminently gifted minister in the Society of Friends, who traveled almost continually for forty years in the service of Truth throughout England, Ireland, and North America. Her journal and letters clearly demonstrate a life entirely surrendered to the cross of Christ, a mind supplied with wisdom and utterance from on high, and a heart filled with love for God and for mankind.

About two years ago, to my humble admiration, in a season of great proving of spirit it was so renewed and sealed to me (the inward attraction being so strong, and the evidence so undoubtable) that [Catherine Payton] was a faithful follower of the Lamb; for a language sweetly flowed through my mind, ‘I have chosen her and she is mine’—so that I not only rejoiced, but was strengthened.

- Sarah R. Grubb

Books by Catherine Payton

Selection from the Life and Letters of Catherine Payton
Friends Library Publishing

Selection from the Life and Letters of Catherine Payton

Catherine Payton

Selection from the Life and Letters of Catherine Payton

A selection from the Life and Letters of Catherine Payton (1727-1794, also known by her married name, Catherine Phillips) containing a biographical narrative of her upbringing and early surrender to the Lord, along with four remarkable letters, written to individuals in a variety of spiritual conditions.

  • 53 pages
  • journal, letters
  • Audio Book
Letter to a Backslidden Brother
Friends Library Publishing

Letter to a Backslidden Brother

Catherine Payton

Letter to a Backslidden Brother

This letter was written by Catherine Phillips in 1753 to her brother Henry Payton, who she feared had “strayed from the path of peace and safety, to seek satisfaction in the grasp of empty bubbles, which had assumed the form, in his sight, of something substantial.”

  • 12 pages
  • letters
The Life and Letters of Catherine Payton
Friends Library Publishing

The Life and Letters of Catherine Payton

Catherine Payton

The Life and Letters of Catherine Payton

A journal of the life and Christian labors of Catherine Payton (Phillips), containing many letters of correspondence and an account of her ministerial travels in England, Ireland, Holland, Wales, and the American colonies.

  • 278 pages
  • journal, letters
Map of U.K.

Related Books

Friends Library Publishing

The Life and Letters of Mary Peisley Neale

Mary Peisley Neale

The Life and Letters of Mary Peisley NealeMary Peisley Neale

Until her death in 1757, Mary Peisley (Neale) was a frequent traveling companion of Catherine Payton, and perhaps her most intimate friend in the work of the ministry.

Friends Library Publishing

The Life and Letters of Samuel Fothergill

Samuel Fothergill

The Life and Letters of Samuel FothergillSamuel Fothergill

For many years an intimate friendship and frequent correspondence was maintained between Samuel Fothergill and Catherine Payton. The Life of Samuel Fothergill contains numerous letters to and from Payton, as well as accounts of several experiences together in the work on the ministry.