Alice Hayes

Alice Hayes

Raised in communion with the church of England, Alice Hayes (1657-1720) was brought to the knowledge of the living Truth in the twenty-third year of her age through the powerful ministry of Elizabeth Stamper. Because of her unwavering commitment to the Lord, she suffered a variety of hardships at the hands of close relatives, and was threatened with abandonment by a husband whom she “loved as her own life.” But, believing Christ’s words that “he who loves anything more than Me is not worthy of Me,” she clung faithfully to His cross, and in time experienced His hand to overcome her inward and outward enemies, strengthening her in the midst of her trials, and eventually making use of her as an instrument in the Lord’s hand to gather others who groaned under Egyptian bondage.

Books by Alice Hayes

The Life of Alice Hayes
Friends Library Publishing

The Life of Alice Hayes

Alice Hayes

The Life of Alice Hayes

An autobiographical account of the life of Alice Hayes, in which she recounts her convincement of the truth and sufferings for the gospel, and offers counsel, encouragement, and words of deep spiritual experience for the benefit of others who will give up to walk in the same narrow path.

  • 66 pages
  • journal
  • Audio Book
Map of U.K.