Elizabeth Stirredge (1634-1706) was not a traveling minister in the Society of Friends. She was a wife, a mother, and an extraordinary woman of God. This short but fascinating account of her life was written in the 56th year of her age for the benefit of her children and grandchildren. In it she describes her desperate search for the Lord in her younger days, her discovery of the Truth as it is in Jesus, and many of the trials, persecutions, and deliverances she met with in the way, as she took up the daily cross and faithfully followed her Lord.

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The Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
Friends Library Publishing

The Life of Elizabeth Stirredge

Elizabeth Stirredge

The Life of Elizabeth Stirredge

by: Elizabeth Stirredge

Elizabeth Stirredge (1634-1706) was not a traveling minister in the Society of Friends. She was a wife, a mother, and an extraordinary woman of God. This short but fascinating account of her life was written in the 56th year of her age for the benefit of her children and grandchildren. In it she describes her desperate search for the Lord in her younger days, her discovery of the Truth as it is in Jesus, and many of the trials, persecutions, and deliverances she met with in the way, as she took up the daily cross and faithfully followed her Lord.

  • Elizabeth Stirredge
  • updated Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.28 in
  • 3 chapters
  • 123 pages
  • Language: English

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Friends Library Publishing

Selection from the Life of Elizabeth Stirredge

Elizabeth Stirredge

Selection from the Life of Elizabeth StirredgeElizabeth Stirredge

An excerpt from the Life of Elizabeth Stirredge written for her children and grandchildren, relating her earnest pursuit of the knowledge of God, and her faithfulness to Him in difficulties caused by false brethren and bitter persecution.