Mary Capper

Mary Capper

Mary Capper (1755-1845) was raised up in the strict observance of the rites and ceremonies of the church of England, but found her heart longing for a greater experience of the inward life and power of the gospel. Upon being convinced of the principles of Friends, she was told by her father “not to return to the parental roof” until she would conform to the religious education that she had been given. But finding that true peace of mind depended upon simple obedience to the Lord’s requirements, she continued in faithful adherence to the way of the cross, and in time could boldly testify that “every sacrifice made in obedience, was rewarded a hundred fold.”

Oh, how truly cheering it is to witness and contemplate the state in which Divine Goodness has kept you to this day! I can look back to my childhood, when I first saw with wonder the tears flowing from your eyes in meetings; when you were an example to many of nobly denying self, taking up the cross, and following Him.

- Sarah L. Grubb (in a letter to Mary Capper)

Books by Mary Capper

A Memoir of Mary Capper
Friends Library Publishing

A Memoir of Mary Capper

Mary Capper

A Memoir of Mary Capper

The journal and letters of Mary Capper, relating her early awakening to the convictions of the Spirit, her expulsion from home for having embraced Friend’s principles, her steady growth in life of the gospel, and her subsequent usefulness as a minister in the Society of Friends.

  • 419 pages
  • journal
Map of U.K.