Martha Routh

Martha Routh

Martha Routh (1743-1817) was working as the principal of a Friend’s boarding school in Nottingham, England when, at age of 30, she was called by the Lord to travel in the work of the ministry. The remaining 44 years of her life were devoted to preaching the gospel throughout all parts of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and America. Her first trip to America was in 1794, where she labored for over three years, traveling over 11,000 miles, before returning to her native country. She returned to America in 1801 with her husband (who died shortly after his arrival in New York). Martha Routh’s life and ministry were exemplary in every respect, and her preaching was “in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.”

Books by Martha Routh

The Life of Martha Routh
Friends Library Publishing

The Life of Martha Routh

Martha Routh

The Life of Martha Routh

A journal of the life, travels, and religious experiences of Martha Routh, giving a relation of her forty years of tireless service in the work of the ministry throughout many parts of England, Ireland, Scotland, and America.

  • 184 pages
  • journal
Map of U.K.

Related Books

Friends Library Publishing

Journal of John Wigham

John Wigham

Journal of John WighamJohn Wigham

During a great part of her first trip to the United States, Martha Routh was often a companion in the work of the ministry to John Wigham, whom she frequently mentions with great esteem in her journal, calling him her “valued friend and brother in gospel fellowship.”

Friends Library Publishing

The Life and Letters of Rebecca Jones

Rebecca Jones

The Life and Letters of Rebecca JonesRebecca Jones

Though a native of England, Martha Routh spent many years in America in the service of the gospel, where she met and befriended that humble but highly-esteemed minister of Christ, Rebecca Jones. Rebecca’s journal makes many reference to Martha Routh, and includes several letters written to her on various occasions.