Mary Mollineux

Mary Mollineux

Because of certain physical ailments, Mary Mollineux (1651-1695) was rendered unfit for engaging in the usual employments for young girls of her day; and her father, taking note of her large natural capacities and quick mind, found means instead of giving her a more advanced education than was common for her sex. She became conspicuous for her knowledge of science, medicine, languages, and for her gift in poetry, but what was most noticed and valued by her family and friends was the unusual spirit of wisdom, tenderness, and humility that clothed her mind. Desiring above all things to be made a “chaste virgin unto Christ,” her short life was spent, not in the pursuit of the honor and recognition of men, but in a sincere and steady aim to be found doing those things that pleased her Lord, living as before an audience of One.

Books by Mary Mollineux

Fruits of Retirement
Friends Library Publishing

Fruits of Retirement

The Poetry of Mary Mollineux

Mary Mollineux

Fruits of Retirement

A collection of poems on spiritual subjects, written by Mary Mollineux, an early member in the Society of Friends, with letters to friends written in both verse and prose, and a short account of her life given by her husband and other members of her family.

  • 205 pages
  • spiritual life
Map of U.K.