Friends Library Publishing exists to freely share the writings of early members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), believing that no other collection of Christian writings more accurately communicates or powerfully illustrates the soul-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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The Writings of John Crook
Friends Library Publishing exists to freely share the writings of early members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), believing that no other collection of Christian writings more accurately communicates or powerfully illustrates the soul-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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The Writings of John Crook
The Writings of John Crook
by: John Crook
Like many other early Quakers, John Crook (1617-1699) was a seeker of truth from his earliest days. He was educated in London, and for a time held the office of Justice of the Peace in Bedfordshire, but after being convinced of the truth in 1654 by the preaching of William Dewsbury, he quickly lost both his public office and his freedom. In all, John Crook was imprisoned ten times for his faith, and suffered greatly at the hands of “unreasonable and wicked men.” But in the midst of his many trials, the Lord fashioned him into an eminent minister of the gospel, who faithfully labored by preaching and writing to the end that all who profess the Truth might “come into the true sense and experience thereof, by a true, living, and feeling faith in Christ, and sincere obedience to Him.” (Original title: Selections from the Writings of That Ancient, Faithful Servant of Christ Jesus John Crook. To which is Prefixed a Short Account of His Life Written by Himself.)
- John Crook
- modernized Edition
- 5.5 x 8.5 x 0.58 in
- 11 chapters
- 259 pages
- Language: English
- John Crook
- modernized Edition
- 5.5 x 8.5 x 0.58 in
- 11 chapters
- 259 pages
- Language: English
Other Books by this Author
Selection from the Life of John Crook
A selection from the journal and writings of John Crook, relating his thirst after holiness in his younger years, his convincement of and growth in the truth, and some of his ministerial labors in the early Society of Friends.
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