John Griffith
John Griffith
From a wild and thoughtless youth, John Griffith (1713-1776) was made a wise and careful minister of the gospel. His journal is filled with heavenly wisdom gained from personal experience of both the Lord’s goodness and guidance, and the enemy’s snares and deceptions. Together with a remnant of bright, shining lamps in his generation, Griffith warred against a sad degeneracy into formality, tradition, and lifeless words amongst a people once distinguished by their adherence to the inward power and purity of the Holy Spirit. Doubtless his life and experiences will be read with great interest by every sincere seeker of God.
Very gross is the deception of those who imagine the whole work of regeneration to be instantaneous. This can be nothing else but a delusion of Satan, to settle people at rest in a state of self-security as soon as he can. Oh! what a length of time it takes to work out that rebellious, stiff-necked, backsliding nature, which was born in Egypt, before the new generation is raised up that is fit to enter the promised land!
- John Griffith
Books by John Griffith
Selection from the Journal of John Griffith
Selection from the Journal of John Griffith
A selection from the journal of the life, travels, and labors in the work of the ministry of John Griffith, providing great insight into the nature of true Christianity, the work of the ministry, and the present condition of the church.
- 44 pages
- journal
- Audio Book
The Ancient Path
The Ancient Path
This treatise, written by John Griffith in 1762, contains insightful commentary and valuable counsel on the subjects of parenting, the new birth, the nature of true worship, true and false ministry, and the right understanding and practice of discipline in the Church.
- 125 pages
- treatise
- Audio Book
The Journal of John Griffith
The Journal of John Griffith
A journal of the life, travels, and labors in the work of the ministry of John Griffith, providing great insight into the nature of true Christianity, the work of the ministry, and the present condition of the church.
- 295 pages
- journal