James Dickinson
James Dickinson
James Dickinson (1659-1741) was a well-known and much-beloved minister in the Society of Friends, whose long life was spent in tireless labor for the edification of the church and for the good of souls. In the service of the ministry, he travelled throughout England, Ireland, and Scotland; undergoing many sufferings in times of persecution. He visited Friends in Ireland twelve times, three times in America, once in Holland and also in Germany. His ministry was not in the enticing words which man’s wisdom teaches, but in the demonstration of the Spirit and power, and was effectual to the convincing and gathering of many whose hearts became settled on the Rock Christ Jesus, knowing Him to be their true light and teacher.
It may be truly said of [James Dickinson] that he went not about to publish the gospel of life and salvation with enticing words which man’s wisdom teaches, but in the power and demonstration of the Spirit. It was by being obedient to the powerful workings thereof in himself, and by waiting diligently for the movings and openings of it, that he became well qualified for that service.
- John Bell
Books by James Dickinson
The Journal of James Dickinson
The Journal of James Dickinson
The journal of James Dickinson, giving an account of the work of the Spirit in his heart when a child, his growth in the truth, and travels in the work of the ministry; also including several epistles written to churches in America and the West Indies.
- 124 pages
- journal

Related Books
The Journal and Letters of Thomas Wilson
Thomas Wilson was James Dickinson’s intimate friend and most frequent companion in the work of the ministry. Together they traveled and labored in near gospel fellowship throughout most parts of England, Ireland, Wales, West Indies, and the American Colonies.