John Wigham

John Wigham

John Wigham (1749-1839) had strong desires raised in his heart to be the Lord’s servant when only eight years old, and feeling that he could not serve Him acceptably without being preserved from evil, he began then to implore the Lord to purify his heart and to make him a useful vessel in His house. After marrying, and beginning to travel in the work of the ministry, he and his wife felt impressed of the Lord to move their family (of seven children) from England to Scotland, where he served the declining church for the remainder of his long and fruitful life, dying in Aberdeen at the age of 91.

Books by John Wigham

Journal of John Wigham
Friends Library Publishing

Journal of John Wigham

John Wigham

Journal of John Wigham

A journal of the life, gospel labors, and religious experiences of John Wigham, chiefly written by himself; to which are added some biographical comments and concluding remarks by his son, Anthony Wigham.

  • 139 pages
  • journal
Map of U.K.

Related Books

Friends Library Publishing

The Life of Martha Routh

Martha Routh

The Life of Martha RouthMartha Routh

During an extended ministry trip in the United States between the years 1794 and 1797, John Wigham was often in the company of his esteemed friend Martha Routh visiting meetings of Friends and preaching the gospel among students, prisoners, slaves, and other Christian denominations.