John G. Sargent

John G. Sargent

Though an Englishman, John G. Sargent (1813 – 1883) spent much of the first half of his life living and working in Paris. His parents were members of the Society of Friends, but prior to his twenty-fifth year, he says, “I did not know the real foundation and essence of their principles, nor did I understand the leading of the Spirit.” When his heart was reached and his mind convinced by the Spirit of Truth, he gave up in whole-hearted obedience to follow the Lord and to wait upon Him in the way of His judgments. This he did faithfully for around eight years in France, though he frequently sat alone in the meeting house in Paris, often being the only person in attendance both Sundays and Thursdays. Upon returning to England in 1844, his heart was broken at seeing the sorrowful departures in doctrine, practice, and discipline that were rapidly gaining ground in the society, and according to the gift bestowed upon him, he endeavored to lift up his voice against the various innovations imposed upon a people who had been so preeminently raised up to show forth the purity and spirituality of the Gospel dispensation.

Books by John G. Sargent

The Journal and Letters of John G. Sargent
Friends Library Publishing

The Journal and Letters of John G. Sargent

John G. Sargent

The Journal and Letters of John G. Sargent

The journal and letters of John G. Sargent, a faithful minister in the Society of Friends in England who endeavored to support and maintain the original principles and practices of Quakers (as held by George Fox, Robert Barclay, William Penn, etc.) at a time when multitudes were sliding off the ancient foundation.

  • 392 pages
  • journal, letters
Map of U.K.