Daniel Stanton

Daniel Stanton

Daniel Stanton (1708-1770) was left an orphan when very young, and passed through great hardships in his early years. Being moved from place to place for short periods of time, he at last was put apprentice to his uncle in New Jersey, where he was allowed no freedom to attend any place of worship. But having a heart that longed for truth, the Lord was pleased to visit and instruct him by His own Holy Spirit, enabling him clearly to see that “those who worship Him, must worship in Spirit and truth.” Continuing in faithful resignation to whatever the Lord made manifest, Daniel became a minster of the gospel in the Society of Friends, and though his adult life was fraught with difficulties (having to bury his wife and five children before the age of forty), he overcame the world through a living faith and an unreserved surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Soon after my return my mind was bowed very low, by reason that a beloved friend and father in the truth, Daniel Stanton, was taken from works to rewards. He had been eminently favoured in his public appearances for many months before, insomuch that many Friends were apprehensive of what he sometimes expressed as his belief, ‘that he had not many days longer to labour among us.’ This was a great stripping to the church, and a near trial to many individuals, and the loss was not likely to be soon made up.

- Rebecca Jones

Books by Daniel Stanton

The Journal of Daniel Stanton
Friends Library Publishing

The Journal of Daniel Stanton

Daniel Stanton

The Journal of Daniel Stanton

A journal of the life, travels, and gospel labours of Daniel Stanton, giving an account of his surrender to the Spirit of Truth when an orphan, his growth in grace and his travels in the work of the ministry; also containing his epistles to monthly and quarterly meetings in North Carolina.

  • 112 pages
  • journal
Map of U.S.